January 2010  

►  Content


  Software - Microsoft Windows 7 Compatibility

  Hardware - HIMA Logic Solving Systems

  Functional Safety - The Need to Plan

  Upcoming Courses

 HIMA Australia facilitated TÜV Functional Safety Program

  Analysis and Design of Safety Instrumented Systems Course

  Operation and Maintenance of Safety Instrumented Systems Course

 HIQuad Maintenance Course

 HIMatrix Engineering Project Development Course

  Electronic Machine Guarding Course

  HIQuad Advanced System Training



►  Software - Microsoft Windows 7 Compatibility

Microsoft Windows 7 Compatibility

Windows 7 has recently been released by Microsoft. HIMA is committed to providing support for the Windows 7 operating system. It is anticipated that full support for the Windows 7 operating system will be provided by the end of 2010 for ELOP II and SILworX.

Windows 7 has many new features including a backwards compatibility function "Windows XP Mode". This new tool will permit most older programs to function with Windows 7 installed. HIMA is evaluating this extension to Windows 7 to see how compatible it is to HIQuad systems. Full testing of ELOP II V4.1, ELOP II Factory V4.1 and SILworX V3.3 is currently being undertaken.

Further details of the overall compatibility of these products with Windows 7 will be provided in the coming months.

The next release of ELOP II (V5.1) will be Windows 7 compliant. We expect this update to be available in the second half of 2010. Service customers with the "Always Current" option may upgrade to this version if desired.

SILworX V4 (for use with HIMax and HIMatrix systems) will be Windows 7 compliant. This update to SILworX is expected in the last quarter of 2010.

ELOP II Factory will no longer be updated. It is recommended that it is used only on a Windows XP system. Tests are still being investigated for its compatibility on Windows 7. In the future an upgrade path to SILworX will be offered.

For further details on software compatibility, please consult with our service engineer.

*Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

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►  Hardware - HIMA Logic Solving Systems

HIMA Logic Solving Systems

HIMA has been developing electronic safety systems since 1970. Over the last 40 years many developments have taken place and understanding the differences between our current four lines of safety controllers will allow easier selection for future projects.

HIQuad is our tried and tested safety programmable electronic system (PES) for the process industry. It is designed to provide an independent safety shutdown solution for most major distributed control systems (DCS). It has a range of I/O and is suitable for medium sized I/O requirements.

Our "set and forget" Planar 4 systems can be used where SIL 4 is required. Another use for these safety logic solvers is where fixed hardwired and highly reliable systems are required. These devices are not programmed using a computer, rather, they have their logic hardwired in. Alarms can be distributed via MODBUS communications if required.

Our HIMatrix PES with onboard I/O is capable of directly communicating with Rockwell Automation devices via Ethernet/IP. This feature allows a standard ControlLogix solution to natively provide safety as well as control. Machine safety, gas turbine, or burner management systems can be controlled efficiently with this solution.

The latest addition to HIMA's PES lineup is the HIMax safety system. This safety controller system is designed to deliver safety where a large number of I/O is required. It can also talk safely with our HIMatrix controller. This allows localised control, through the use of HIMatrix controllers and safeethernet, with the ability to safely oversee all PES in a safety network. Additional I/O can be added by simply connecting a HIMatrix remote I/O to the HIMax even if the HIMax's rack is full.

Your site may only have one type of HIMA PES. Understanding the range of controllers HIMA offers may provide you with cost effective solutions in the future without the need to retrain staff.

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►  Functional Safety - The Need to Plan

The Need to Plan

Planning is one of the most critical components of Functional Safety Management. All phases of the lifecycle of a Safety Instrumented System need to be planned to ensure that meaningful verification, validation, assessment and auditing can be performed. Without an effective plan there is no metric to base these activities on.

The Functional Safety Management plan should not be confused with a schedule, it needs to cover the entire lifecycle of the Safety Instrumented System, and accordingly there would not normally be a date for decommissioning to schedule to. Instead, the plan should be structured to address the lifecycle activities whenever they take place. During the operation phase of a project, it may be necessary to revisit the analysis phase, in order to complete modifications. The plan must be flexible enough to allow this.

A Functional Safety Management plan must describe the lifecycle activities that will take place under the plan, the expected input and output documents, the necessary verification, validation, assessment and auditing, and finally the persons or groups of people responsible for each of these activities. Consideration should be given for the level of independence needed to perform activities – especially validation, assessment and auditing, and the effect a changing Safety Integrity Level has on the required level of independence.

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►  Upcoming Courses - HIMA Australia facilitated TÜV Functional Safety Program


HIMA Australia facilitated
TÜV Functional Safety Program

Perth | 29 June - 2 July
Melbourne | 23 - 26 November

World-class training from a world-class trainer

As a professional involved with functional safety, your ability to demonstrate competency in this subject is taking on greater importance and is being driven by standards such as AS 61508  and  AS 61511.

The HIMA Australia facilitated TÜV Functional Safety Program will provide you with valuable skills and knowledge which can be used in your daily activities. It also offers TÜV approved certification on the successful completion of a final exam.

The course has been developed to provide an overview of current industry standards, functional safety concepts and current tools used to determine safety integrity levels while applying industry recognised techniques and methodologies.

Below are testimonials from clients who have successfully completed the HIMA Australia facilitated TÜV Functional Safety Program with Tino Vande Capelle, HIMA's TÜV Functional Safety Expert and trainer.

"HIMA's Functional Safety Management (FSM) course is in the forefront of delivering the best knowledge outcomes for achieving world class process safety standards." Mahesh Murthy

"His knowledge of the subject was excellent and he could give examples from his own work experience. He could gauge a persons understanding and give extra help and support if required. From a personal point of view I would have no hesitation in recommending Tino."
Peter Smith

"The course was very helpful and practical, with good quality training materials. Tino is an excellent presenter who was able to clearly communicate the concepts and provide examples from his experience to illustrate the points." Rebekah Mutton

"He proved to be a highly knowledgeable expert in functional safety with lots of practical experience. His teaching style is easy-going, entertaining even but highly effective. I thoroughly recommend Tino as a functional safety expert and trainer." Tung Nguyen

Click here to download the TÜV Functional Safety Program flyer.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  Analysis and Design of Safety Instrumented Systems Course


Analysis and Design of Safety Instrumented Systems Course

Melbourne | 2 February
Perth | 20 April
Brisbane | 8 June

Darwin | 23 February
Adelaide | 27 April

During this course, engineers are provided with the knowledge required to analyse and design safety instrumented systems (SIS). An overview of the requirements is provided, allowing attendees to use this starting point  to further develop their  knowledge of SIS.

Click here to download the Analysis and Design of Safety Instrumented Systems Course flyer.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  Operation and Maintenance of Safety Instrumented Systems Course

Operation and Maintenance of Safety Instrumented Systems Course

Melbourne | 3 February
Perth | 21 April
Brisbane | 9 June

Darwin | 24 February
Adelaide | 28 April

Operation and maintenance personnel will understand why certain maintenance procedures must be performed on a safety system. They will understand the impact that correct maintenance procedures have on safety systems and how they can manage them.

Click here to download the Operation and Maintenance of Safety Instrumented Systems Course flyer.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  HIQuad Maintenance Course

HIQuad Maintenance Course            Perth | 9-10 March

Instrument and Electrical technicians who work closely with HIMA safety systems will find the topics covered in this course invaluable. Students will be provided with hands on maintenance training for HIMA's H41q and H51q HIMatrix safety controller systems.

Click here to download the HIQuad Maintenance Course flyer.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  HIMatrix Engineering Project Development Course

HIMatrix Engineering Project Development Course

Perth | 30 March - 1 April

The HIMatrix controller provides all the control and I/O required for small safety systems in an easy to use form factor. With the training provided by this course engineers and system developers will be able to have a safety solution operating within hours. It provides an overview of the HIMatrix controller and ELOP II Factory.

Click here to download HIMA's Training brochure.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  Electronic Machine Guarding Course

Electronic Machine Guarding Course

Melbourne | 16-17 February

     Melbourne | 16-17 March

Adelaide | 4-5 May

Being tasked with developing a machine safety solution can be daunting. This training course is designed for electrical workers who design, modify, service and commission machines with electrical safeguards.

It provides a solid starting point for anyone interested in the legislation and standards surrounding machine safety solutions. 

From concept to commissioning, and well into the operational phase of a device, participants will have the skills and knowledge to comprehend and solve most machine safety problems.

Click here to download the Electronic Machine Guarding Course flyer.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  HIQuad Advanced System Training

HIQuad Advanced System Training
                   Perth | 13 - 16 April

An in depth understanding of the HIQuad / ELOP II safety instrumented is provided by this course.
It is intended to provide a complete overview of the safety lifecycle of the HIQuad Programmable Electronic System (PES). It provides training on hardware and communication configurations including system architectures and maintenance along with the configuring, loading and modifying of a HIMA PES application program.

Click here to download HIMA's Training brochure.

For further information please see our Events page.

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►  Contact

For more information visit our website www.hima.com.au or call to speak to a safety specialist.

For service information contact HIMA Service:

Tel: (03) 8645 3602
Email: service@hima.com.au

To register for training contact HIMA Training:

Tel: (08) 9323 2192

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